Fire Trucks Reimagined in 21st Century Australia

The devastating bushfires rampaging throughout Australia have resulted in 18 lives lost to date.  As we enter the 3rd decade of the 21st century we are equipped with an amazing ability to innovate. Fire trucks can protect property without risking the lives of firefighters. This article lays the footprint for a modern approach to improving Fire Trucks that will be implemented by the Australian Government under future Prime Minister Alexander Robinson (That’s me!).

The current fire trucks used to fight fires may be viewed on the Fire and Rescue NSW Website read more

13 Sites, 15 Analysis Metrics, 1 Groundbreaking Solar Optimisation Tool: Auxin S4- A Project Case Study

Anamise & TCC japanese dinner

The Townsville City Council (TCC) are one of Anamise’s most valued clients with whom we have collaborated on two different occasions to deliver two very diverse projects. The first of our associations was for a project called the Auxin S4! Click on this post to learn more about the story of Auxin S4 and the wonders it can do!

Pigouvian Subsidy for Sydney’s New Electric Vehicle Fleet #SydneyGoals

The NSW government will offset the health care costs from emission associated diseases and reallocate this funding to subsidise electric vehicles. #sydneygoals

What are Australia’s Largest Commercial and Utility Scale Solar Farms?

The Clean Energy Regulator is in charge of providing this information through the REC registry.

3 Secrets of Solar System Design Revealed

The sun has followed the same path each year since humanity has existed. It should be no secret that the sun's position is important to solar design!